The University of Miami Business Law Review (the “Review” or “UMBLR”; ISSN: 2376-404X) was first published as a club journal by the Business Law Society and later vested as a formal law review, the University of Miami Business Law Journal (ISSN: 1047-2819) in 1991. In 1997, UMBLR absorbed the University of Miami Sports and Entertainment Law Review (ISSN: 8756-3991) under its brand. The Review strives to publish one volume per year composed of three full issues, one in the Fall, one in the Winter, and one in the Spring. The Journal also posts weekly blog posts and hosts an annual Intellectual Life Event.
The Review publishes articles by professors, judges, practitioners and students. All articles—even those by the most respected authorities—are subjected to a rigorous editorial process designed to sharpen and strengthen substance and tone. As a student-run organization, student editors make all editorial and organizational decisions.
The Review has both a professional and an educational mission. It serves the legal profession, the bench, the bar, and the academy by providing a forum for the publication of original legal research of the highest quality. We receive and scrutinize hundreds of written submissions annually. We also ensure uniformity in the citation of authority in legal scholarship and court documents by following the Twentieth Edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.
The Review also affords the Editorial Board two valuable educational experiences. First, we provide training in the performance of all the editorial and administrative tasks associated with the publication of a professional legal journal. Second, we assist each of our members in preparing an original work of scholarship suitable for professional publication.
In the 2024-25 academic year, the Review will publish its 33rd volume.
Cite as: U. Miami Bus. L. Rev.
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