Tag Archives: regulation

Leveling The Playing Field: The FTC’s Proposed Rule To Ban Non-Compete Agreements Nationwide

Zakary Benjelloun – Historically, businesses have utilized non-compete agreements as a leverage tactic, aiming to maintain control over their workforce and safeguard their competitive edge. However, in recent years, these agreements have been faced with intense scrutiny, particularly by government agencies, questioning their legality and compliance with antitrust laws. Just last year, the Federal Trade […]

The NCAA’s Struggle to Adapt: Collegiate Sports as a Multibillion Dollar Business

Zachary Finkelman – In recent years, the world of college sports has undergone a seismic shift. The traditional model of the “student-athlete” is being challenged, as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) grapples with the ever-evolving landscape of collegiate compensation. The fundamental rule seems simple enough: student-athletes can’t accept money for playing their sports. However, […]

The Terra and LUNA Coin Collapses Present an Opportunity to Clarify Stablecoin Regulation

Mitchell Koch – In November 2021, the SEC brought legal action against Terraform Labs (“Terraform”) and its CEO, Do Kwon, requiring their compliance with investigative subpoenas. Founded in 2018, Terraform creates cryptocurrencies for use in blockchain-based financial infrastructures. As of September 2022, Do Kwon and Terraform remain under investigation for selling unregistered securities in the […]

NFTs and fNFTs – Priceless Collectables, Digital Trinkets, or Regulatable Securities?

Sabrina Ortega – Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have been a major topic of conversation in the business sphere since their inception in the late 2000s. While debate rages over the financial and aesthetic value of NFTs, proponents, and skeptics can both agree that NFTs have gone from niche to mainstream over the last two years. […]