Tag Archives: COVID 19

Business Interruption Insurance in the Wake of COVID-19

Melissa Stewart- Business interruption insurance is a standard-form coverage that is part of commercial property insurance policies and is meant to compensate for income lost during times when business is halted due to physical loss or damage to the covered property. Simply stated, business interruption insurance covers income lost in a disaster. A typical event […]

Preserving Privacy & Public Health: Integrating Blockchain Technology into Contact Tracing Apps

Leandra Lopez – Protecting user data and privacy is a high-risk proposition for app developers and user entities, and COVID-19 has only heightened the stakes. As lockdowns are lifted, businesses reopen, and college campuses resume on-campus living, contact tracing could provide an invaluable tool to ensure public health – if decision makers can convince users […]

What Happens When the Sport Bubbles Pop?

MIchael Goldman- Many did not take the threat of an impending global pandemic serious at the beginning of March 2020. That is, until the NBA and NHL made the executive decision to pause their 2019–2020 seasons. While fans turned their attention towards issues of their own health and safety, team executives focused on the financial […]

Coronavirus Outbreak: How will Supply Chains and the U.S.-China Trade Agreement Hold up?

Alexa Browning – Right now, the coronavirus outbreak is instilling panic and chaos throughout not only Wuhan, China, where the virus originated, but across the entire globe. The World Health Organization has called it a global public health emergency. Coronavirus is similar to a respiratory illness in that it causes symptoms of runny nose, fever, […]