Tag Archives: privacy

Illinois’s Biometric Information Privacy Act and the Private Right of Action: A Recipe Possibly Coming to a State Near You

Greg Marcus – In 2008, Illinois’s Biometric Privacy Act (BIPA) became the first state law to regulate the collection and use of biometric data. The BIPA is often heralded as a “promising framework” for comprehensive biometric data privacy law, and thanks to two rulings in February 2023 it has become even more protective. In Tims […]

Battle of Tech Giants: Apple and Facebook Clash Over Consumer Data Privacy

Beatriz da Rosa – Two Silicon Valley titans, Apple and Facebook, continue crossing swords over what could be the start of a new era of data privacy regulation in the United States. These tech giants currently dispute Apple’s iOS 14.5 update, expected to become available to iPhone and iPad users sometime this month. This new […]