Tag Archives: Bankruptcy

Covid-19 Pandemic – What’s Next for Small Businesses and Corporations?

Natalia Garcia Baerga – Throughout history, monitoring bankruptcies has been an effective way of understanding the current economic status and business cycle. However, it seems this relationship between bankruptcies, macro-economic conditions, and the business cycle has changed during the COVID-19 crisis. Specifically, contrary to the media’s portrayal of small businesses struggling throughout the pandemic bankruptcy […]

J.C. Penney’s Bankruptcy “Hail Mary”

Wyatt Rose-J.C. Penney, the 118-year-old infamous clothing behemoth, is one of the latest retail companies to fall victim to the newer and cheaper e-commerce revolution. As a result of its struggles against e-commerce powerhouses like Amazon and Walmart—coupled with COVID-19 woes—J.C. Penney filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in May of this year. However, in a […]

Corporate Monitors: Who, What, and Why?

Mauricio Perlaza – WorldCom, Enron, and the Madoff Ponzi Scheme: aside from the obvious fraud, what do these financial fiascos have in common? In each case, a court-appointed fiduciary was tasked with overseeing the remedial measures ordered by a presiding court. However, while the bankruptcy trustee in Enron and the receiver over Madoff set important […]