Author Archives: admin

Paying Back Student Loans is Easier Than You Think

JAKE SHONKWILER — Few student loan borrowers are aware of the repayment options available to them. The Income-Based Repayment (IBR) and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) programs went into effect in 2009 as part of the College Cost Reduction and Access Act.   Borrowers who enroll in one of these programs will have their monthly payments […]

Vacating an Award Under the Federal Arbitration Act

CARA BAROS — Dustex Corp., a Georgia-based company, recently asked a federal court in Iowa to vacate a $3.4 million arbitration award that was found in favor of an Iowa municipal facility. Dustex is seeking to vacate the award because it claims that its panel of three arbitrators was led by an arbitrator who was […]

Law School: A Worthwhile Investment?

JAMES J. DIAMOND — U.S. students are losing confidence in the value of a legal education. The ABA recently reported that first-year enrollment at U.S. law schools fell by a staggering 11%, 5,000 less students than 2012. According to the ABA, law school enrollment levels haven’t been this low since 1977. The Law School Admissions Council’s […]

Bullying in America’s Meanest Sport

BENJAMIN BURNS — Sunday. The Gridiron. The frozen tundra of Lambeau Field and the Monsters of the Midway. Every Sunday, the best football players in the country play the most violent sport in America for our entertainment. They play through rain, sleet, hail, and snow, delivering and receiving hits that would break a layperson’s ribs. […]