Tag Archives: law

Sweet Victory: Ferrara, Owner of Nerds Trademark, Prevails Over Cannabis Candy Maker

Emma Johnson – On January 28, 2022, Ferrara Candy Co., the maker of Nerds, successfully obtained a permanent injunction against Higharchy LLC for trademark infringement. The injunction arose out of a lawsuit filed by Ferrara in Illinois against Higharchy, a cannabis retailer and manufacturer, for selling “Bud Bites” and “Bud Clusters,” THC-infused candies whose packaging […]

NFTs and fNFTs – Priceless Collectables, Digital Trinkets, or Regulatable Securities?

Sabrina Ortega – Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have been a major topic of conversation in the business sphere since their inception in the late 2000s. While debate rages over the financial and aesthetic value of NFTs, proponents, and skeptics can both agree that NFTs have gone from niche to mainstream over the last two years. […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Trends and Music Copyright

Brett Dembrow – Imagine spending hours planning, recording, and editing a video to post on social media, only for it to be taken down within minutes. More likely than not, the video was removed due to a copyright infringement regarding the music you used in the video. Musical artists and sound engineers alike have a […]

ADA & Website Accessibility

Sofia Manzo – When the Americans with Disabilities Act was first enacted in the 1990s, Congress failed to anticipate the role that the internet would play in people’s lives. While the ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in places of public accommodations such as restaurants, retail stores, and theaters, no such allowance was […]