Tag Archives: law

How the Hunger for Delivery Services During COVID-19 Fueled Litigation

Logan Zucchino – On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern regarding a fairly new and unexplained pandemic, COVID-19. At that time, there were 98 confirmed cases of the virus, and no country outside of China reported any deaths. As of April 6, 2021, the worldwide deaths […]

Golden Ticket: How NFTs Can Help Artists Profit From Ticket Resales

Nicolas Torres – N.F.T. Three letters that, until this Spring, would have been met with confused silence in all but the most tech-savvy circles. Over the last four months, a surge in investor interest has brought non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into the limelight. NFTs entitle the holder of a token to ownership of a digital asset […]

Behind the Curtains of Wall Street Bets

Justin Najmy – One of the many positive outcomes of the digital age has been the increased accessibility for people to invest in capital markets. Given free trading applications like Robinhood, the friction for people to purchase and sell shares has not only lessened, but also the friction for the ability of these same people […]

The role of Non-Compete Agreements in Florida and Abroad

Chase Tavernier – In recent years, there has been a fierce debate revolving around the use and justification of non-compete agreements in employer-employee relationships. The two sides of this debate can be witnessed by recognizing how various entities choose to define what a non-compete agreement is. Some regard non-compete agreements as stifling “wage growth, career […]