Author Archives: Giordi Valdivia

The Real Price of Factory Farming

Jared Brenner – The need for food is probably the one thing every person on this planet has in common. Throughout the world, many people unknowingly struggle with an addiction to eating meat. Though early humans hunted and killed animals to survive, many people have no idea about where their meat comes from nowadays. To keep […]

Lane Diving: Will the Brakes be Put on the Express Lanes?

Steven Dickstein – The twenty-one miles of South Florida’s I-95 express lanes have breathed new life into the phrase “don’t drive slow in the left lane.” The varying one-to-two lane stretch of road is separated from the regular flow of traffic with 21,000 plastic pole “delineators.” These delineators that were once at twenty-foot intervals are now […]

LLC’s: How the Treasury Department is Piercing the Real Estate Veil in Miami

Ana Cardenas – It is no secret in Miami, Florida that the price of high-rise luxury condominium buildings has skyrocketed in Brickell, Downtown, and South Beach. In recent years, renting rather than buying these condos has become the norm causing the Miami real estate market to become increasingly costly. However, who is purchasing this real estate […]