Tag Archives: AI

The State of (Art)ificial Intelligence

David Hernandez – Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere – in smartphones, cars, and even public places using facial recognition software. As companies rush to launch their own AI services, ChatGPT populates news cycles and laptops nationwide. But what exactly is AI? In short, it is the simulation of human intelligence by machines, and algorithms govern […]

AI and the Law: Exploring Applications and Challenges of ChatGPT

Gianna Maria Balli – In November 2022, artificial intelligence company, OpenAI, launched its latest language processing AI Model called Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer (“Chat GPT”). The AI chatbot has taken the internet by storm. After garnering over one million users within one week of its release, the popularity of ChatGPT is amplifying concerns across many […]

The Landscape and Impact of AI as an Inventor: Is AI the next Edison?

Aaron Ostler – On August 5, 2022, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals released Thaler v. Vidal, an important decision concerning patent law with implications for future research and development (R&D) practices. Stephen Thaler develops and runs artificial intelligence (AI) systems that generate patentable inventions. Thaler submitted a patent application to The United States Patent […]