Tag Archives: Data privacy

Illinois’s Biometric Information Privacy Act and the Private Right of Action: A Recipe Possibly Coming to a State Near You

Greg Marcus – In 2008, Illinois’s Biometric Privacy Act (BIPA) became the first state law to regulate the collection and use of biometric data. The BIPA is often heralded as a “promising framework” for comprehensive biometric data privacy law, and thanks to two rulings in February 2023 it has become even more protective. In Tims […]

AI in the Spotlight: Breaking Down President Biden’s Executive Order

Macarena Bazan – In the midst of a notable surge in AI development, President Biden enacted an Executive Order purporting to fortify safety, security, and trust in the development and use of artificial intelligence. Relying upon the Defense Production Act of 1950, President Biden has created a national security-centered approach to AI regulation. While this […]