Tag Archives: Merger

Another Merger Blocked: Penguin Random House Barred from Merging with Simon & Schuster in Narrow Antitrust Decision

Amber Miller – On October 31, 2022, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia blocked publishing giant, Penguin Random House (“Penguin”), from its proposed $2.2 billion acquisition of equally ubiquitous publisher, Simon & Schuster. The district court sided with the Department of Justice (“DOJ”), which challenged the acquisition on the basis that […]

The Biden Administration’s Antitrust Enforcement Policy Faces a Test in Light of the Frontier-Spirit Airlines Proposed Merger

Austin Booth – The Biden administration has so far taken a stance against corporate consolidation. In January 2022, the Justice Department and the FTC announced that they were seeking public comment on how current merger guidelines can be updated to better detect and prevent illegal and anticompetitive deals in an increasingly consolidated corporate marketplace. Both […]