Category Archives: Uncategorized

Section 230 Language Should Not Be Included in International Trade Agreements

Kassandra Cabrera – Section 230, the law that created the internet, has been the subject of intense bipartisan debate over the last few months. Despite disagreement over the law’s application, similar language has been placed in the U.S.’s international trade agreements between Mexico, Canada, and Japan. Why would a law at the center of constant […]

Rethinking Article III Standing in Class Action Consumer Protection Cases Following Spokeo v. Robins

Joshua Scott Olin – The Supreme Court recently handed down the landmark decision of Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, holding that a “bare procedural violation” of a federal consumer protection statute—namely, the Fair Credit Reporting Act—was not enough to satisfy Article III standing because the injury alleged was particularized but not concrete. AfterSpokeo, those wishing to bring suit […]

Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Developments in Partitioning Real and Personal Property in Marital, Business, and Personal Relationships in Florida Jurisprudence

Harry M. Hipler – This article focuses on partition of real and personal property in Florida in the 21st century. It discusses questions and issues about partitioning real and personal property, so that private lawyers who practice in a variety of areas can familiarize themselves with how partition proceedings work. Partition of real and personal […]